
African Industries Have Vast Potential – Ian Kazingizi


While many young people are migrating to developed nations in search of the so called greener pastures, there are some who believe they can become billionaires in Africa. These are entrepreneurs who visualise untapped industries that have potential to change the whole continent for the better. Where many see poverty and hunger, Ian Kazingizi is an entrepreneur who views Africa as a continent with a virgin industry. In his perspective Africa is endowed with opportunities and one can make it in any business they choose to pursue.

While many young people are migrating to developed nations in search of the so called greener pastures, there are some who believe they can become billionaires in Africa. These are entrepreneurs who visualise untapped industries that have potential to change the whole continent for the better. Where many see poverty and hunger, Ian Kazingizi is an entrepreneur who views Africa as a continent with a virgin industry. In his perspective Africa is endowed with opportunities and one can make it in any business they choose to pursue.

Ian is a 27 year old, Town Planning graduate, who chose to pursue entrepreneurship on a full time basis soon after leaving the University of Zimbabwe in 2014. He is a holder of two postgraduate diplomas in Project Management and Aquaculture. The young man teamed up with his best friend, Carlton Taika, to form an aquaculture–based company called Agrimarine Solutions. The company offers services including fish farming trainings, project management, fish pond constructions, fish breeding and retail. They are also providers of fish feed and medications used in the trade. The once dormant fish farming industry in Zimbabwe was boosted by the arrival of Agrimarine on the market. Today, Agrimarine is ranked among the top players championing aquaculture in the country.

Going To University Was Necessary Just To Tick The Boxes

The entrepreneurship spirit in Ian was nurtured from a young age by his mother, a widow, who imported prawns for re-sale at upmarket restaurants in Harare province. He would assist his mother with selling the prawns during school holidays which developed his interest in business. His good negotiation skills enabled him to put a mark-up on his mother’s set price, earning him extra for his pocket. Ian admits that he never found academics stimulating enough, but going to University was necessary just to tick the boxes. “I was good in all my academic subjects and always attained good grades, but I was not interested in any particular field,” he stated. By the time he enrolled at university in 2011, he had fully mastered the prawns business and had managed to create a niche market, separate from his mother’s. He reveals that he was able to pay for his University tuition from the sea food business which he operated using his mother’s permits whilst juggling with school.

I Would Have To Work For Over 20 Years To Make One Million Dollars.

Whereas most young people in University focus on purchasing trendy clothes and latest gadgets, Ian’s goal was to purchase a personal car by second year in college. He accomplished that in the set time frame, acquiring a Mazda Familia, a coveted vehicle at that time. Upon completion of the undergraduate program, he had become certain that formal employment was not the path he wanted to take. “I calculated with my friends that if I was to work for a monthly salary of USD$4 000 – a very high salary by Zimbabwean standards by the way, I would have to work for over 20 years to make one million dollars. On the other hand, there are entrepreneurs making that money in less than 2 years,” he pointed out. With this view point in mind, he chose the entrepreneurship route, with his friend Carlton. Carlton had also graduated with an Accounting degree at Bindura University of Science Education but just like Ian, was certain he wanted to be an entrepreneur. During his university years, Carlton pursued small scale tobacco farming interests. The farming enabled him to purchase a car before completion of his undergraduate degree.

The young men were resolute on the path they wanted to take which made them turn down job links from friends and family. In the initial stages, they operated the business from their cars, moving around to meet clients. This continued until Ian’s former lecturer Verengai Mabika offered his office where they periodically met their clients. The business was informal for the first 7 months and they offered only fish pond construction services using researched knowledge. Their breakthrough came when a prominent figure in Zimbabwe contracted them to construct pools for USD$14 000 in 2015. With the income attained from this project, they were able to formalise their business, establish an office to operate from and procure the requisite machinery and inputs to grow their business. The quality work they had done for the high profile individual attracted more contracts and they penetrated schools that were starting on fish farming.

To deepen their knowledge, Ian and Carlton went on to attain post-graduate diplomas in Aquaculture from Aquaculture Innovations in South Africa. Aquamarine has attracted attention from government departments, non-governmental organisations and various players in the private sector. The company has done outstanding work including promoting fish-farming projects in high schools. Agrimarine was contracted and worked on the thriving Glenview High 1 and Fletcher High School fish farming projects, to highlight just a few. Currently, Agrimarine is making use of land on lease in Mashonaland West which holds several breeding ponds. The company also purchased land in Mashonaland Central which will be a future aquaculture Hub having breeding ponds, a training centre and a retail outlet.

Entrepreneurship Is A Sustainable Solution To Wealth And Opportunity Creation.

Ian believes that leaving the country in search of employment in the developed world is not a solution as the employment crisis is global. In his perspective entrepreneurship is a sustainable solution to wealth and opportunity creation. He is certain that African entrepreneurs are capable of growing formidable organisations with the capacity to penetrate markets anywhere in the world. Ian pointed out that young people wanted prestigious careers which deterred them from venturing in the primary industries such as agriculture and mining, deemed backward. He also revealed that society puts pressure on people starting out in business as they are expected to have achieved a certain social status in a short period of time.

He Disputed The Common Excuse By Young People Of Not Having Anywhere To Start From

What pushes Ian is the desire to make a difference in the country and to create an organisation that will live for generations to come. Ian has participated on various entrepreneurial platforms locally and beyond, sharing knowledge with other young people. He also received recognition as the first runner-up for the CBZ Youth Entrepreneurship Program in 2019. He believes in continual learning by taking in wisdom from various sources. During his time in University, he read numerous motivational books to fortify his mind and expand his horizons. He puts it that all people are born with the capability of doing great things and what separates them from that greatness is their mind-set. He disputed the common excuse by young people of not having anywhere to start from. “If you are coming out of University and there is a service that you can offer from what you learnt, why not go at a free Wi-Fi zone with your smart phone and advertise your service? Why not grow sweet potatoes for sale from slips that are free in communal lands?” he asked. From his own experience, when one embarks on the entrepreneurial journey doors start opening wider through networking with like-minded people.

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