
Constant Adaptability Is Critical To Business – Tanatswa Mutoko


“Establishing a brand is tougher than I thought,” were words shared by Tanatswa Mutoko, a 20-year-old investor and entrepreneur. Having been inspired by renowned clothing brands like Nike and Adidas, he set out to build his own brand. The journey has not been as easy as he anticipated but the young man has gained invaluable insights into the business world.

“Establishing a brand is tougher than I thought,” were words shared by Tanatswa Mutoko, a 20-year-old investor and entrepreneur. Having been inspired by renowned clothing brands like Nike and Adidas, he set out to build his own brand. The journey has not been as easy as he anticipated but the young man has gained invaluable insights into the business world.

I Asked Myself What If I Could Actually Create My Own Fashion Label

Tanatswa is currently enrolled at the Simon Frazer University in Canada, studying towards an Interactive Arts and Technology undergraduate degree. He developed an interest in design during his high school years at Hillcrest College in Zimbabwe, with an aspiration of becoming an architect. However he became exposed to other aspects of design resulting in him picking a degree programme that encompasses brand design, motion graphics and graphic design. Tanatswa went on to create a brand called Mimind Designs fueled by the desire to put his academic knowledge to practice. “I wanted to explore my design skills so I asked myself what if I could actually create my own fashion label,” he revealed.

To raise capital for the start-up, Tanatswa sold off shares that were in his possession and combined the proceeds with personal savings. Unfortunately, the Mimind brand was not well received on the market. This did not deter Tanatswa from pursuing his dream but rather, he used the feedback from the market to improve his start-up. He learnt that the business model he had applied was weak and he lacked a brand story as was the standard with established brands on the market. Armed with that knowledge, he rebranded Mimind Designs to PolarLion Designs.

The Brand Signifies Resilience And Adaptability

Tanatswa reveals that PolarLion symbolises adaptability. It tells his life story of relocating from the Zimbabwean tropical climate to a polar climate in Canada, a new environment with extremely cold conditions. The lion, on the other hand, is his totem and the pride of Africa where he originates from. Combining these, he looks at himself as a tropical lion that adapted to the polar region. The brand signifies resilience and adaptability when one is faced with challenges and change. The incorporation of colour psychology and visual image aspects further revived the brand’s appeal.

PolarLion apparel is available on an online store, Etsy, using the name Polarwear. The business outsources a print-on-demand service where products are printed after a customer places an order. This saves the business a need to hold inventory and possible losses from a slow product uptake on the market. All this enabled starting the business to be less capital intensive, allowing for finances to be channeled towards marketing the brand.

The entrepreneurial spirit was ignited when Tanatswa joined an entrepreneurship club in high school. It is where he learnt about creating passive income which enables individuals to generate revenue without necessarily working for it. His friend Darlington Makovere went on to introduce him to stock trading, a tried method of creating passive income streams. Tanatswa’s father noticed the interest he had developed in stock trading and to encourage it, introduced him to a friend of his who is a stock broker. The young man’s interest in the area has not fizzled as he has continued to be a stock trader refining his skills through extensive research on the subject.

I Have Started Now So That I Can Enjoy The Fruits Of Entrepreneurship When I Am Older

While other young people are focused on academics and other interests, Tanatswa is pursuing his passion and pushing for growth of his business. He is certain that he wants a future where he will not be working for someone else. “I have started now so that I can enjoy the fruits of entrepreneurship when I am older. I will work now so that I can have fun later,” he said.

Tanatswa wants to become a brand strategist helping companies develop brands and grow. In the next 5 years, he sees his brand much broader, changing how Zimbabwean companies view brand designs. He would like for PolarLion to be an established, modernised and adaptable brand that can suit different markets. “Companies do not put much thought into their logos yet they make the face of the company,” he stated.

When You Fail, Take It As A Lesson

Other than being a business person and investor, Tanatswa also plays rugby for his university. He devotes much of his time on stock trading books and those that improve his design skills. He draws inspiration from Dr. Strive Masiyiwa and Chris Do by how they successfully run their business empires. He urges entrepreneurs not to quit when faced with challenges or failure but to take lessons and improve their approach. “Failure happens to everyone and when you fail, take it as a lesson. Business requires constant adaptability,” he stated.

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