
Develop a Heart that Does not Quit – Tinashe Prosper Mhlanga


A popular Japanese proverb that encourages people not to quit says, “Fall down seven times, get up eight”. The entrepreneurship journey is not always filled with glamour as believed by many, at times the journey is an arduous one.

A popular Japanese proverb that encourages people not to quit says, “Fall down seven times, get up eight”. The entrepreneurship journey is not always filled with glamour as believed by many, at times the journey is an arduous one. There are various set-backs that entrepreneurs face along the way and in the face of challenges, a strong heart is required to keep pushing forward. Tinashe Prosper Mhlanga lost everything twice in his business, it was sufficient for him to ‘throw in the towel’ but he bounced back smarter and stronger.

Tinashe is a 29 year old entrepreneur and the founder of Importer Electricals, a hardware business focused on importation and supply of electrical cabling. The business has a presence in two cities in Zimbabwe namely Harare and Mutare and is rising to be a reliable supplier of electrical cabling for major hardware shops.  Tinashe noticed the high costs of locally produced cables in comparison to those sold in other Southern African countries. He also discovered that locally produced cables are cheaper in neighbouring countries compared to domestic pricing. “I do not understand why Zimbabwean made cables are cheaper in countries like Zambia. Even after adding transport costs and custom duty I can still sell the cables at lower prices than those pegged by the local manufacturer,” he said. His entrepreneurial spirit was roused by his late mother and aunt both of whom were cross-border traders.

He received seed money worth $100 from his grandmother

It all began after his advanced level when Tinashe found employment at a hardware company in Magaba, Mbare, as a sales person. Having worked at the company for a year the organisation began facing challenges; unable to service debts due to inadequate cash flows. When the company finally folded Tinashe was faced with 2 options; to go back to school or to start a small business venture to sustain him. He chose the latter because he had noticed potential in the electrical cabling business whilst working at the hardware. “Despite challenges in the Zimbabwean economy, people still build houses and drill boreholes meaning that the market for electrical cabling will always be there,” he stated. Prior to starting the business he received seed money worth $100 from his grandmother. This endorsement from his grandmother gave him the courage to embark on his journey as a cable importer. He used the money to get passport and with a few savings from his salary began importing electric cables from South Africa. He also generated extra income from importing goods on behalf of other people whilst in South Africa for a fee. All his profits were reinvested back into the business making his stock steadily increase until he established a hardware shop in Harare.

His vision is to be among the top wholesalers of electrical cabling in Zimbabwe

The hardware industry is highly competitive, however, Tinashe’s business has continued to grow through his business strategies. He reveals that as a relatively small player in the market his business is agile and adaptable to market shifts and trends. Furthermore, he is able to go the extra mile for customers by offering favourable purchasing terms and product delivery options. He also offers discounts and commissions to motivate electricians and plumbers to bring more business.  “An entrepreneur should be trustworthy and honour promises, a customer who is served well is sure to recommend your business to other people,” he stated. His intends to fill in the gaps that other players in the market are overlooking. His vision is to be among the top wholesalers of electrical cabling in Zimbabwe in the next 5 years competing with renowned companies like CAFCA. [caption id="attachment_380" align="aligncenter" width="300"]

Tinashe in the early days and recently[/caption] 

Entrepreneurship has enabled him to travel to various places and meet successful business people in different countries. It has enabled him to create strong networks, learn and share ideas with other business people. Like most entrepreneurs, the journey has had challenges that could have destroyed his will power to continue. In the 2016, Tinashe lost all working capital in the business to a close friend who conned him. In 2019 he had a second incident where he lost all the goods in his inventory to theft. The set-backs left him in despair and depressed but his family and friends were a strong supportive structure that got him back on his feet. He also attributes the ability to rise above challenges as grace from God. Tinashe also believes that faith practices of prayer, giving tithes and seed offerings have immense benefits and have contributed to his success. He was taught about them by Kudakwashe Muzvuzvu, a friend, and he testifies that they have worked for him.

Tinashe has battled many challenges from unfaithful customers, currency instability and recently the Covid-19 pandemic related business issues. Despite all this, he has pushed on and he is of the view that an entrepreneur should develop a heart that does not quit. He gets inspiration from reading biographies of successful entrepreneurs and thriving businesses in his industry. His motivation is also derived from his friends and family who nudge him to do better in every aspect of his life. Music is what soothes him and helps him relax. His favourite song is Nanhasi by Shingisai Suluma which expresses gratitude for God’s guidance and protection in the journey of life.

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