
Dream, Drive, Determination And Dedication -Washington Chipango


Washington Chipango the founder of Power Life Energy began his entrepreneurial journey when he was only 20 years old. Today he runs an integrated electrical engineering and renewable energy company that seeks to light up Africa.

The debate on whether entrepreneurs are born or made remains unsolved. What is clear however, is that some people find the entrepreneurship path at a tender age. Washington Chipango the founder of Power Life Energy began his entrepreneurial journey when he was only 20 years old. Today he runs an integrated electrical engineering and renewable energy company that seeks to light up Africa.

Washington, now 26 years old has earned the name “The African Rockefeller” from his peers due to his interest in the energy sector. He reveals that he was exposed to entrepreneurship at a young age by family members who ran businesses of varying magnitudes for instance he would take up duties such as merchandising and stock taking. He dropped pursuing an Accounting Sciences degree with the University of South Africa (UNISA) to pursue entrepreneurship. In his view, he could not get the knowledge that he needed to run a business in the classroom.

It Is Important To Document And Bind Every Business Agreement

Power Life Energy is Washington’s second business venture after a failure of his first business which he started at the age of 20. He attributes the collapse of his business to lack of experience and judgement. “A lot of things were not documented and there are consequences because some people lack integrity. It is important to document and bind every business agreement,” he said.

After the unsuccessful endeavour, Washington did not give up on being an entrepreneur. He took a gap year to re-strategise and raise capital for his next venture. He collaborated with his uncle who ran a signage business based in Chiredzi. There, he took the role of being a business representative in Harare, in order to provide convenience for his uncle in running the business. “I knew my uncle was not going to hand me over the money I needed to start my business just like that. Hence, I had to do something in return to earn the money,” he adds. Whilst working for his uncle, a year later Washington finally raised enough capital to stand on his own.

No One Is Willing To Experiment With Their Money By Investing In Someone With No Experience,

Power Life Energy became operational in 2018 but had been incorporated in 2017. With the money that he had worked for, he started purchasing electrical equipment and supplies for the business. He explains how in the beginning, he would meet potential clients in the lobby of a local hotel because he had no office to operate from. In fact, his initial strides in business were self-funded. “When you are starting out, people want to know what you have done for yourself. No one is willing to experiment with their money by investing in someone with no experience,” he reveals.

“…Board Of Directors Made Up Of Reputable People In The Business World…”

Today, Power Life Energy is an organisation with high prospects of growth. The organisation has a diverse board of directors made up of reputable people in the business world such as Dr Nabhit Kapur from India. It is remarkable how such a young business managed to assemble a reputable board like that. Washington highlights that the board members believe in his vision and he has established a method to appreciate them for their contribution to the company. Currently Power Life Energy has remarkable plans underway for the African market.

The desire to grow the organisation has not been without challenges. Like any other start-up, Washington has faced several instances of red tape which adversely impacted the business. Additionally, he has encountered clients without integrity – who do not own up when a service has been rendered. With all these obstacles, Washington believes that entrepreneurs are called to solve problems. He also deems that the entrepreneurship journey requires faith in God because what lies ahead at times is unknown.

There Is A Difference Between The Perception Of Success And The Reality Of Success

Washington is guided by what he calls the 4Ds, Dream, Drive, Determination and Dedication. The Dream signifies the business idea which is the starting point. It is ensued by Drive, which is the focus and desire to bring that dream to life. The next stage is Determination to establish the business against opposing forces and challenges. Then there is Dedication to the business revealed in effort and perseverance. The gentleman is inspired by Dr Strive Masiyiwa and gets invaluable lessons on business from his Facebook blog. Washington urges young entrepreneurs to be patient and focus on establishing significant foundations of their businesses rather than spending to support expensive lifestyles before their businesses mature. “There is a difference between the perception of success and the reality of success. You do not establish a business today then purchase a Range Rover tomorrow,” he said.

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