
He Was Broke Until He Leveraged His Popularity


Russell Chiradza popularly known as Russo is a 35-year-old Zimbabwean music producer and farmer. He rose to fame during the urban grooves era after producing hits such as Ndinonyara by Nox, Chidzoka by Rocqui, Ndakafa by Maskiri Despite gaining popularity from his productions, Russo revealed that this did not translate to financial success, he remained broke. His story is a revelation that fame does not always result in fortune until one finds a way to monetise it.

Russell Chiradza popularly known as Russo is a 35-year-old Zimbabwean music producer and farmer. He rose to fame during the urban grooves era after producing hits such as Ndinonyara by Nox, Chidzoka by Rocqui, Ndakafa by Maskiri  Despite gaining  popularity from his productions, Russo revealed that this did not translate to financial success, he remained broke. His story is a revelation that fame does not always result in fortune until one finds a way to monetise it.


Despite Gaining  Popularity From His Productions, Russo Revealed That This Did Not Translate To Financial Success, He Remained Broke.

Russo developed an interest in music when he was still at Godfrey Huggins Primary School in Marondera. His friend Tawanda Mutsigwa was a piano player and the one who taught him the basics of playing. Noticing his music interest, his father went on to buy him a small keyboard with which he practiced, resulting in enhanced skills and passion. Interestingly, Russo was also a gifted cricket player which earned him a scholarship to Churchill Boys High School. During his high school years he nursed his music talent while also playing for the National Junior Cricket teams from under 14 to the under 16 leagues. He is also one of the pioneers of the Churchill Jazz Band. After completion of high school, Russo found himself concentrating more on music than cricket. Eventually he decided to quit cricket to pursue a music career. This decision was a disappointment to his parents who believed cricket had more potential than music. As concerned parents they feared that he would fail like many who went down the music path, however, they had to respect his choice.

He Nursed His Music Talent While Also Playing For The National Junior Cricket Teams.

Russo went on to produce his first compilation album, Chatsva in 2006. He recalls the disappointment he felt from the feedback he received on the album. “Liyanda Kandiero at the then Radio 3 now PowerFM was honest with me. He told me that most of the songs on the album were not up to standard, only one song could be played on radio,” he stated. For a moment he thought that he had made a bad decision and was not going to make it in the music industry.

Taking Criticism The Right Way Leads To Growth.

Russo pointed out that taking criticism the right way leads to growth. He decided to focus on the one good song on the album, “Get up party” and made a video for it. The song due to its unique sound paved a way for him to start producing for notable artists such as Maskiri, Rocqui and Nox. Russo set up a studio at Chiparawe farm in Marondera where it gave him the flexibility to record and learn more about the agricultural business from his father. The remote location was inaccessible for most artists and he decided to move the studio back to Harare. Russo went on to work with Eddie Dhliwayo at Nitredy studios and they made waves in the music industry. Despite the industry being dominated by reputable producers, Russo managed to break through. He believes that one can make it in any industry regardless of how competitive it is if they find a way to set themselves apart from the rest.

Despite his popularity Russo realised his pockets were still dry. Most of the artists could not afford to pay him reasonable fees for studio time and he was receiving insignificant royalties from radio stations. As a result of this, Russo shifted his focus towards radio commercials, giving birth to Way2Nice Media. He started approaching various corporates seeking commercial contracts. Securing the contracts was not an easy task because of gatekeepers and the general mistrust of people in the music industry. “There is a general perception that people with a music background are not focused and lack a clear understanding of business,” Russo declared. To circumvent this, he started investing in playing golf with the understanding that it would give him access to business executives and entrepreneurs who had the capacity to support his business.

His strategy of discussing business on a more laid back and social setting has been effective. Currently, Way2Nice Media is among the dominant producers of radio commercials in Zimbabwe. The company is also involved in print advertisements, media buying and artist management. It won a competition to create a theme song for the 20th Session of World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) General Assembly hosted in Zimbabwe 2013. The company has produced outstanding radio jingles including the 2019 Marketing Association of Zimbabwe’s (MCAZ) Best Jingle of the year for- Zimgold margarine. They also produced Royco loves Zimbabwe, a jingle which features Zimbabwe’s top musicians, for Unilever.

As a farmer Russo has used his popularity to push his agro produce. He reveals that he pursued agriculture because it is a reliable industry that keeps growing as the global population grows. “People will always want to eat. In this Covid-19 crisis, people still needed food and we were offering them convenience by doing door to door deliveries of beef,” he said. Currently he is well known for selling and delivering high quality beef around Harare and Marondera giving him the name “The Beef Guy”. His beef is becoming more preferable as some butcheries are losing credibility due to power outages, poor quality meat and rumours of unsafe preservation practices.

When You Follow Your Passion, Success Will Follow You

Russo believes his father has been the greatest influence in his life. He raised him to strive for self-sufficiency and not to rely on hand-outs. He has also received a lot of business advice from the various executives he has come across playing golf. Richard Branson’s book – Screw it, let’s do it, has had a profound impact on his life and he testifies that he has found concepts in that book applicable in his life. It taught him to pursue his heart’s desires despite people telling him that he could never make it. In parting, Russo states that “When you follow your passion, success will follow you. It might be hard at first but if you keep going, it will work out.”

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