
Knowledge Is Power, Applying It Is Even More Powerful – Darlington Makovere


Kwilo is an application designed to match students based on similar personality, interests and hobbies. This platform also makes it easier for students to find suitable accommodation. Once a student logs onto the application, they create a profile, upload their personal information and answer questions which are aimed at classifying their personality type. “If you are an outgoing extroverted person, you will be matched with a similar personality, the same goes for introverts,” he stated.

University is a place where students are meant to make meaningful life-long connections. The first place to create such bonds is in shared residential places where students stay together as roommates or flatmates. However, most students find themselves stuck with people with different interests and personalities which makes it difficult for them to connect. As a solution to this prevailing challenge in the student market, 20 year old Darlington Tadiwanashe Makovere came up with an idea to create an application called Kwilo.

Kwilo Is An Application Designed To Match Students Based On Similar Personality

Kwilo is an application designed to match students based on similar personality, interests and hobbies. This platform also makes it easier for students to find suitable accommodation. Once a student logs onto the application, they create a profile, upload their personal information and answer questions which are aimed at classifying their personality type. “If you are an outgoing extroverted person, you will be matched with a similar personality, the same goes for introverts,” he stated.

 Darlington was prompted to come up with the idea for Kwilo after his personal experience as a Business Administration international student at European University of Lefke in Cyprus. He shared an apartment with two flatmates who were loud and always had visitors. As an individual who enjoys quiet reading time at home, the arrangement was uncomfortable forcing him to end up spending time at the library. “I am an extroverted-introvert. I can be out-going and social but when I get home I just want to have time to myself for reading and doing other things; it was impossible with the roommates I had,” he said. To address this challenge, he conducted a study to establish the extent to which this challenge affected other students. As to be anticipated, he established that 85% of students who responded to the survey were living with incompatible housemates.

As fate would have it, Darlington was introduced to Sam Turiho, a business major at the university who was working on a similar idea for his graduation project. They decided to collaborate to turn the idea to a business. They then brought in Mohammed Abdulkhalek who is a computer engineer and PhD student. The product development and research commenced in November 2019 and it is expected to launch soon. Darlington is responsible for marketing and strategy, Sam oversees the operations and financial aspects of the business while Mohammed is the product developer.

The Application Is Expected To Be A Game Changer In The Student Market

Establishing the business has solely been from bootstrapping where the entrepreneurs have used their own resources to finance the business.  Darlington reveals that external financing will be necessary for scaling the project after their business model has been tried and tested. Kwilo will generate revenue from estate agents that will place advertisements on the platform as well as other additional premium services. Cyprus alone has over eighty thousand international students hence the application is expected to be a game changer in the student market. The business will operate in three countries namely Cyprus, Canada and Australia at the beginning then extend to other countries.

Execution Will Form The Basis For Learning And Future Success

Darlington’s desire for entrepreneurship was shaped at a young age as he was raised by parents of an entrepreneurial nature. His father had the greatest influence on him as he exposed him to business by working with him in his auto repairs and sales business. He also stated that his father encouraged him to read and from as young as 13 years, Darlington started reading entrepreneurial books like Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill and leadership books. This shaped his perspective of the world. He then went on to join an entrepreneurship club in lower sixth form while studying at Hillcrest College in Zimbabwe and that became the beginning of his journey. Inspired by the Silicon Valley landscape Darlington initially wanted to be a software engineer, so he enrolled for a semester at his current university then dropped the studies to pursue business administration which he is passionate about. His advice to aspiring entrepreneurs is for them to start where they are with the little that they have; even if it means starting off with a vending business. “Execution is the most important part and it will form the basis for learning and future success,” he said.

We Need To Play A Part In The Development Of Africa

Besides working on Kwilo, Darlington also runs Savannah Podcast, an online platform where he discusses business with African entrepreneurs like William Sachiti and Willard Kachere. He has managed to facilitate funding for a few entrepreneurs through this platform. To add onto this, he is part of the African Citizen, an initiative that supports and promotes African run student businesses within Cyprus. “I am a pan-Africanist, it is at the centre of everything that I do. As young people we need to play a part in the development of Africa so that it can fully contribute to the global marketplace,” he said. When asked who his role-model is he said that it’s the person he envisions to become in 20 years’ time. He sees himself as an individual who will play a major role in the economic development of the African people and evidently the journey has already started.

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