
Motivation Is Essential To Start A Business -Jay Tsvaki


There is a lot of information on entrepreneurship on the public domain. However, many aspiring entrepreneurs still struggle to get the right kind of businesses to pursue. With most of the available advice pointing towards following passion and formulating grand ideas, a discussion with Jay Tsvaki was an eye opener. He stressed motivation as an essential driver to implementation of business plans. “The real question people should ask themselves is if they are motivated enough to do it”, he stated

There is a lot of information on entrepreneurship on the public domain. However, many aspiring entrepreneurs still struggle to get the right kind of businesses to pursue.  With most of the available advice pointing towards following passion and formulating grand ideas, a discussion with Jay Tsvaki was an eye opener. He stressed motivation as an essential driver to implementation of business plans.  “The real question people should ask themselves is if they are motivated enough to do it”, he stated

Anyone Can Do Outstanding Things In This Life If They Make Up Their Minds To Do So

Jay Tsvaki, a 31-year-old Zimbabwean entrepreneur and the founder of Soundlight Mediatainment, is a firm believer in underlying potential in every individual. He is of the view that anyone can do outstanding things in this life if they make up their minds to do so. For him to come to such conclusions, he has walked an enlightening journey in establishing his company.

The idea of establishing a business that provides sound services struck Jay soon after leaving University in the year 2014. The business idea was appealing to him even though it was a different direction from what he had studied in University. He trained in the para-medics field of Public Health at the University of Zimbabwe. After doing preliminary research of the industry and even approaching some suppliers for quotations, Jay fell in the same trap that ensnares most people – he did not follow through and shelved the idea.

The idea was buried further when he got a contract full-time job at Non- Governmental Organisation (NGO). The demands of full-time employment shifted his focus from the entrepreneurship goals. However, a wakeup call soon came when his contract with the organisation ended and was not renewed. He found himself faced with a huge responsibility of personal and family expenses, it was worsened by the fact that he was now staying alone. In the African context, the eldest working child assumes the role of the provider where the parents are either elderly or dead. In Jay’s case his father passed on just before he completed his University studies. As the eldest in his family of four he faced the responsibility to assist his working mother.

Confronted with joblessness and inescapable responsibilities, Jay started a small car washing business called “Mr Carwash” from his savings and loans from friends and family. With his natural desire for excellence, he trained his team on customer care, branded their uniforms and insisted on using high quality cleaning products. Even though he tried setting himself apart, the business had too many players who used cheap cleaning products thereby charging less. Expansion was made impossible since income generated was channelled towards personal living expenses. The business struggled along and finally fell apart when one of the employees stole a water pressure machine at the carwash. Jay was discouraged and ended up folding the business.

It was fortunate that he managed to get another job where he is currently employed. His previous working experience had taught him of the uncertainty of being an employee especially in the NGO sector. It was critical for him to start another business. “I realised that I could get the stability and control over my own life by owning a business. I also knew that I could not create opportunities for other people by just being an employee. A business would give me a platform to employ other people, give them a source of income as they explore their talents,” he said.

Entrepreneurship Is A Journey That Requires One To Start Somewhere And To Start Early

Jay revisited the sound systems idea which he had put aside years before, bringing to life Soundlight Mediatainment. He regrets the years that he did not act on this idea as his business could have been among the market leaders today. It taught him a vital lesson that procrastination or waiting to formulate a grand idea is detrimental to starting a business. He states that, “Entrepreneurship is a journey that requires one to start somewhere and to start early. When you start something you grow from the lessons you learn along the way.”

Jay sought professional technical help from an experienced friend in the field, Tapfuma and mentorship from Mr Bapiro who is well versed in the field of events sound and lighting. With their guidance he started purchasing sound equipment from South Africa from his monthly salary savings, a little at a time. It took him a long time to put the requisite high quality gear together before the business could take off. The process of building a business demanded a sacrifice on his time and financial resources. He recalls how it strained his relationship with his family as he was no longer able to support them financially as he used to. However, he felt it was necessary if he was to build the start-up. The demands of the start-up did not spare his personal relationships, resulting in him splitting-up with his girlfriend as his focus was now skewed towards the business. Jay advises that entrepreneurs should avoid being isolated from those they care about in the name of building businesses. In his view there has to be balance because successful businesses should enable good quality experiences with loved ones through vast possibilities they create.

It Is Never About Having A Great Mind-Blowing Idea, But The Decision To Act On That Seemingly Small Idea

Soundlight is steadily growing in the media and entertainment industry. What gives Jay the confidence in exponential growth of his business is that the young generation is more entertainment driven and have no qualms in spending on recreational activities. The Soundlight Team envisions a future where both corporate and private clientele aspires to be associated with the Soundlight brand due to its reputation in premium customer experience and excellence.  Jay admits that moments of self-doubt do struck at times where he wonders if his business will have the impact he envisions within the industry where they are well established players already. He explains that those moments come for every human being who is new to a given field but what keeps one going is faith, self-belief and patience. Jay sums up his advice to young people stating that, “It is never about having a great mind-blowing idea, but the decision to act on that seemingly small idea that comes to your mind. Who knows, your whole world can change because you chose to act.”

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