
My Business Is A Testimony – Tinashe Gakaka


Businesses are established in different ways. For Gaxx Photography, it was a sheer combination of preparedness and chance. This is the reason why the founder, Tinashe Gakaka, says that the business is a testimony.

Businesses are established in different ways. For Gaxx Photography, it was a sheer combination of preparedness and chance. This is the reason why the founder, Tinashe Gakaka, says that the business is a testimony.

Tinashe is a 24 year old man who is currently studying towards a Civil Engineering undergraduate degree at Jiangsu in China. He has always been a photography enthusiast, but it never occurred to him that one day his passion would evolve into a business. He enjoyed taking random pictures using his mobile phone. This went on until his girlfriend convinced him to purchase a professional camera so he could explore his passion further. Taking heed of her advice, Tinashe saved up to buy a Nikon D3300 in his second year at the University in 2018. The day after the camera was delivered became a dawn of a lucrative venture.

I Was So Anxious And Was Literally Learning On The Job

On that day, the University was hosting a beauty pageant. Fate would have it that the hired photographer for the event would not show up. Faced with this crisis, one of the organisers, a friend of Tinashe, asked him to stand in as the photographer to which he agreed. His challenge, however, was that he was yet to learn how to operate the new camera. “I had not even touched the new camera to explore how to use it.  When I went to cover the event, I was so anxious and was literally learning on the job,” he said.

Surprisingly, Tinashe scored a success with this first job and it paved way for more opportunities through referrals. Upon realising potential in the photography industry, he decided to register a formal company in China and named it after his nickname, Gaxx. The company’s focus is on event photography, portraiture, beauty photography, concept photography and retouching. To date, Gaxx Photography has done over 300 jobs across China. “There were days when I would do 5 different events in 2 nights or would travel to multiple cities in one weekend,” he said.

Most Of My Clients Are Shy Or Lack Self-Esteem, My Goal Is To Bring Out Their Best Parts

Gaxx Photography has worked with leading brands such as Ciroc China, Ellen’s Group, Manhattan and Kharis. Tinashe has managed to do all this without any formal training in photography. What drives him is beyond financial gain, it is the impact his work has shown in transforming how individuals perceive themselves. “Most of my clients are shy or lack self-esteem, my goal is to bring out their best parts. I get satisfaction when I give a client their pictures and they get pleasantly surprised by how they look,” he said.

For Me Photography Is Not Just Taking Glorified Passport Pictures, It Is An Art.

Running the business has had its own challenges. He has faced competing responsibilities of being a business person and full-time university student. As the business has grown, demands have risen with it, making it difficult to balance with school.  Tinashe has also noticed that the Creative Arts and Crafts industry is not taken seriously with some people assuming that the work is easy. “For me photography is not just taking glorified passport pictures, it is an art. Everything is intentional and tells a story. I have to think of the background, the wardrobe and the makeup,” he stated.

Tinashe has plans to establish a creative hub in Zimbabwe where people can come together and discuss issues relating to Art. There are a few such platforms in the country. He also intends to open a Zimbabwean Gaxx Photography studio which will be hired out to local photographers when he is not using it. The initial attempt to establish such studio with a partner based in Zimbabwe failed. Tinashe cited vision differences as the reason the joint initiative failed to take off. His vision is to grow a reputable brand and to him, financial gains are not the major drivers. In his view, discipline in conducting business and respecting other people are invaluable elements to achieve his mission.

Many young people would lose their heads when cast in fame and fortune, however, Tinashe remains humble. He constantly reminds himself that he is nowhere close to where he wants to be in life. His success would not have been possible without a strong support structure of his family members who have believed in him and his vision from the beginning.

Seasoned Professionals Who Have Walked The Path Can Give Constructive Advice

Tinashe continues to grow by seeking professional advice from established photographers. It is his opinion that seasoned professionals who have walked the path can give constructive advice since they do not consider a new player as competition. He revitalises his creative prowess by laying in the dark listening to music. He views darkness as an endless canvass on which he can create anything. After completing his studies, the young man intends to pursue both Civil Engineering and Photography since he is passionate about both.

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