
Your Perspective Of The World Determines Your Success – Darrell


Individuals with mental health problems are highly stigmatised yet most people choose to avoid the subject. Suicidal and drug abuse cases among adolescents and students at tertiary institutions have been on the rise world over. This is an indication of the neglected mental health-related challenges in this population. With increasing technology, people are pulling further apart. Furthermore, the media emphasizes stereotypes that enhance social pressure in young people.

Individuals with mental health problems are highly stigmatised yet most people choose to avoid the subject. Suicidal and drug abuse cases among adolescents and students at tertiary institutions have been on the rise world over. This is an indication of the neglected mental health-related challenges in this population. With increasing technology, people are pulling further apart. Furthermore, the media emphasizes stereotypes that enhance social pressure in young people. This all contributes to a deterioration in mental health.

People Particularly In Africa, Shun Mental Healthcare

In the light of this growing global concern, Darrell Ngove, a 26 year old Occupational therapist, devised a profitable method to tackle mental health issues among tertiary level students. He formed an organisation called Oasis meant to provide mental health services to students. Darrell noticed that many people particularly in Africa, shun mental healthcare. The subject is avoided or discussed in hushed tones.

Most Students Thrive On Social Approval Which Makes Them Pretend That They Have Everything Under Control

Darrell was motivated to form Oasis from his personal experience as an undergraduate student at the University of Zimbabwe. He reveals that he did not have anyone he could talk to on issues that affected him personally or academically. Most students thrive on social approval which makes them pretend that they have everything under control. Darrell puts student challenges into four categories namely accommodation, transport, food and entertainment. In addition to these categories there are academic pressures comprising a high workload and the constant fear of failure.

Oasis seeks to lessen the burden on the student and bridge the gap to fight mental health stigma. Currently, the organisation hosts Catch-up sessions during weekends. This is where a group of not more than 30 students pay to participate in activities held in a relaxing outdoor environment. The activities include different refreshing games, painting and team building exercises which ease tension and create a conducive environment to discuss mental health related topics. The participants are also served with good food and beverages. Every session is designed to be a unique experience which makes students look forward to the next event

The Oasis Experience Is Meant To Give Someone A Boost Of Positive Energy

“The Oasis experience is meant to give someone a boost of positive energy,” he stated. Darrell believes that everyone has a solution to challenges that affect them mentally but most have doubt, fear or a low self-esteem to deal with their issues. The Catch-up sessions give students exposure to the refined things in life and aims at changing students’ perception towards the world. The Oasis, as the name suggests takes students away from the confines and pressures of the school environment and creates a haven.

Most  would query how students can afford for the sessions as they have financial constraints. Darrell boldly declares that students have disposable income from parents and guardians. He believes that students can afford to spend on recreation more than any other age group and an Oasis experience is necessary to boost their mental health. The business has plans to partner with players in transport, catering and real estate to provide affordable and good quality services for students. This would ease their burden and allow them to focus their energy on education. The company has plans to roll out Couples’ Oasis experience meant to reinforce bonding among young couples.

If You View The World As A Place Where You Can Prosper And Thrive, You Start Identifying Opportunities

From a young age Darrell developed an inclination towards solving problems and it is behind his entrepreneurial drive. Before establishing Oasis, Darrell started an organisation called Alpine Therapeutic Group which aimed at offering occupational therapy services to the elderly. The idea was resource intensive, requiring a lot of professionals on board and so he ended up shelving it. Darrell is inspired by the historical Zimbabwean leaders such as King Mutapa who had vast wealth and influence in the Southern African region. In his own perspective, the world depends on how someone views it. “If you view the world as a place where you can prosper and thrive, you start identifying opportunities but if you see the world as a dark place full of tyranny then that is what you experience,” he said

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